Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research

In a Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research, the courses and offerings are usually more tailored to advanced academic and research pursuits. While courses per se may not be the central focus, these faculties typically provide a range of resources, programs, and support for graduate students pursuing master’s or doctoral degrees, as well as engaging in various research activities. Instead of traditional courses, students may participate in seminars, research projects, independent study, and thesis/dissertation work under the guidance of faculty advisors.

Additionally, these faculties often offer workshops, professional development opportunities, and resources to support research activities, including funding opportunities, library resources, and access to specialized research facilities. They may also provide training in research methods, ethics, academic writing, and presentation skills to support students in their research endeavors.

Overall, the Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research is primarily focused on fostering advanced scholarship, research excellence, and the development of critical thinking and analytical skills necessary for success in both academic and professional research settings.

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